You are just another ME. Experiencing a different set of circumstances. Different personality traits within different locations, all determined, in...
past lives
We are living in the greatest simulation of all time. A level playing field, covered by a dome, with continents...
PROLOGUE In the land of no time, the void of ALL IS, sprung forth a storm cloud bellowing loudly, demolishing...
Energy Update. The camera hasn't picked up the definite shade of green that was just above the yellow. Waves of...
Leaders of the New Earth are visionaries, oracles, and seers - able to see possibilities and create new timelines from...
This game of life...this simulation we are constructed by timelines...or storylines...if you will. And these storylines are interactive. And...
Warriors are born on the battlefield. They've survived the test of time...time and time again. They've seen it all. The...
I was born “awake” in December 1969 and embodied the divine birthright of unconditional love. But like many others like...
Energy Update. "Recognition of Self through the Higher Heart Chakra" Re-Cognition - Cognition is the mental processes relating to the...
We are master creators and we are able to pull from the Master (ascended) creative energies to create that which...