Within this SIMulation, this matrix CONstruct, this program, the MAIN FRAME is your awareness. Of the NOW. The MAIN FRAME...
As the mass awakening begins for the general population of humanity, I would like for everyone to be mindful and...
You are just another ME. Experiencing a different set of circumstances. Different personality traits within different locations, all determined, in...
The mass awakening to come is the end of the SIMulation. The end of CONtrol. The beginning of living FREEly....
Awakening to the truth requires a totally open mind and heart. If you require everyone to think the same as...
Is the rockpool separate from the ocean? No! Humanity right now is the rockpool. And only a few droplets know...
Onwards and upwards for all. Clean slates moving forward. New new new. The word for 2024 is REDEMPTION. And so...
We are all trying to create our own versions of New Earth during these unprecedented auspicious times of change. It...
We are living in the greatest simulation of all time. A level playing field, covered by a dome, with continents...
PROLOGUE In the land of no time, the void of ALL IS, sprung forth a storm cloud bellowing loudly, demolishing...