EXTREME HIGH TRIGGER WARNING Earth Angels and Fallen Angels Ever met a Fallen angel? They most likely will tell you...
how to play the game of life
Energy Update Mid March 2024 It's final initiation time Test time. For the Leaders of New Earth. Humanity are about...
Autumn in Southern Hemisphere Spring in Northern Hemisphere "CH CH CH CHANGES.....Turn and face the change." Changes will reflect the...
We are running off a script and there are no deviations. No matter what you call course correction or puzzle...
Stay strong. Stay calm. Stay positive. You are here for a reason. To hold the light. To keep the vibration...
As the PLANet evolves and as YOU grow, just like in school, the lesson PLANs get harder. More complex. More...
Feeling deeply the separation that has occurred throughout the Ages and the traumas held within the Collective. Humanity has no...
There’s a new sheriff in town - YOU! We knew when the time was right, we would rise and come...
Because Lightworkers come in as the light with higher vibrations, they have to be put in, and programmed with "darkness"....
Within this SIMulation, this matrix CONstruct, this program, the MAIN FRAME is your awareness. Of the NOW. The MAIN FRAME...