Autumn in Southern Hemisphere Spring in Northern Hemisphere "CH CH CH CHANGES.....Turn and face the change." Changes will reflect the...
time travel
As the PLANet evolves and as YOU grow, just like in school, the lesson PLANs get harder. More complex. More...
The mass awakening to come is the end of the SIMulation. The end of CONtrol. The beginning of living FREEly....
Awakening to the truth requires a totally open mind and heart. If you require everyone to think the same as...
We are living in the greatest simulation of all time. A level playing field, covered by a dome, with continents...
The matrix will stop working fully and everything you try to do will fail or break as it's not needed...
Transmission from my Higher Self. Recorded and typed as received. So because we're lightworkers, and we come in as the...
This game of life...this simulation we are constructed by timelines...or storylines...if you will. And these storylines are interactive. And...
We are the pure Divine Warriors of Light. God's Army. And like the sun, We rise every day above all...
July energy update 5:55pm There's a tightening...a honing...of soul families occurring right now. For focus on each individual soul family's...