We are all trying to create our own versions of New Earth during these unprecedented auspicious times of change. It...
Year: 2023
We are living in the greatest simulation of all time. A level playing field, covered by a dome, with continents...
PROLOGUE In the land of no time, the void of ALL IS, sprung forth a storm cloud bellowing loudly, demolishing...
In my latest book, BETWEEN WORLDS - INSIGHTS FROM A WARRIOR OF LIGHT, I discuss the Players in this Game...
We are living in the greatest simulation of all time. The mind-controlled summer camp for humanity, which had been run...
The matrix will stop working fully and everything you try to do will fail or break as it's not needed...
Transmission from my Higher Self. Recorded and typed as received. So because we're lightworkers, and we come in as the...
Because we've been living in a world of duality and polarity, we've needed an external source to be able to...