October 23, 2024


Nikool McIndoe

Born in Sydney, Australia, and a mother of two boys, this is the first novel from Nikool McIndoe and one she was called to write. An artist for 47 years, she took eight months off to complete this book based on her journey of spiritual awakening. Having connected with her spirit guide, Ravi, in her mid-twenties, the healings, and mentoring Nikool experienced play the basis for this novel. Entrusted with the Magic Scribe by Archangel Gabriel, and channeled by Ravi, her search for truth and understanding of the age-old question, “why are we here?” drove the storyline. She knew the book was to help awaken humanity and wondered if she could explain everything that happened to her so others could understand what was happening to them, too. During the process of listening and writing, it became obvious that Nikool was indeed prepared for her calling, as we all are. We just need to be still enough to listen and hear the words of the Universe. In writing the book Nikool not only learned more about spirituality and her connection to Source Energy but also more of who she is as Spirit. She is a storyteller, whether it be through words in poetry or novels, or images in her art. She is a Lightworker, a seeder, and a carrier of knowledge. Nikool, as all of us, are here on a mission to help humanity and Mother Gaia ascend. Follow Nikool’s spiritual awakening journey as she sheds light on the feelings, thoughts, terminology, and teachings that embody this transformative life-changing process.