It's our light...and soul family coming together that creates a perceiving flash that floods the planet incrementally as each soul...
Nikool McIndoe
When one awakens to their connection to God Source Energy, Infinite Spirit, it activates a release of the thought one...
This game of life...this simulation we are constructed by timelines...or storylines...if you will. And these storylines are interactive. And...
Warriors are born on the battlefield. They've survived the test of time...time and time again. They've seen it all. The...
We are the pure Divine Warriors of Light. God's Army. And like the sun, We rise every day above all...
July energy update 5:55pm There's a tightening...a honing...of soul families occurring right now. For focus on each individual soul family's...
I was born “awake” in December 1969 and embodied the divine birthright of unconditional love. But like many others like...
Do you believe crop circles may be messages from extra-terrestrial beings from higher dimensions, or are they simply the mastermind...
Energy Update. "Recognition of Self through the Higher Heart Chakra" Re-Cognition - Cognition is the mental processes relating to the...
We are master creators and we are able to pull from the Master (ascended) creative energies to create that which...