We are living in the greatest simulation of all time. A level playing field, covered by a dome, with continents...
nikool mcindoe
In my latest book, BETWEEN WORLDS - INSIGHTS FROM A WARRIOR OF LIGHT, I discuss the Players in this Game...
The matrix will stop working fully and everything you try to do will fail or break as it's not needed...
Because we've been living in a world of duality and polarity, we've needed an external source to be able to...
We are ascended masters. We are here to usher in new earth for humanity. We don't ascend. Not in the...
There is a lot of talk about the higher heart and how that is now ruling over the heart. Today...
Energy Update. The camera hasn't picked up the definite shade of green that was just above the yellow. Waves of...
Leaders of the New Earth are visionaries, oracles, and seers - able to see possibilities and create new timelines from...
It's our light...and soul family coming together that creates a perceiving flash that floods the planet incrementally as each soul...
When one awakens to their connection to God Source Energy, Infinite Spirit, it activates a release of the thought one...